Fees and Charges
Ticker Tape by TradingView
CurrenCpay does charge a transaction fee for transactions under AUD$10,000 (or foreign currency equivalent) per recipient and no fee for transactions over AUD$10,000 (or foreign currency equivalent) per recipient. A fee of AUD$20 will apply when your transaction amount is under AUD$10,000 (or foreign currency equivalent) per recipient. Additional transaction fees may apply if there is more than one recipient (i.e., if a total amount of more than AUD$10,000 was being sent to more than one recipient, separate Fees would be charged in relation to each recipient who received less than AUD$10,000).
There are no additional fees charged by us when we pay your Bought Currency to beneficiaries you nominated. Please be aware that you may incur fees imposed on your payments by your bank, intermediary banks and/or receiving banks. CurrenCpay is not responsible for these additional charges.
Local payments – no fees
SWIFT payments tier 1: $20
SWIFT payments tier 2: $30
SWIFT payments tier 3: $40
SWIFT payments tier 4: $55
Canada (CA)
Gibraltar (GI)
Greece (GR)
Isle of Man (IM)
Jersey (JE)
Kuwait (KW)
Sweden (SE)
Switzerland (CH)
United Kingdom (GB)
United States (US)
Australia (AU)
Brazil (BR)
Bulgaria (BG)
Denmark (DK)
Estonia (EE)
Guernsey (GG)
Hungary (HU)
Iceland (IS)
India (IN)
Liechtenstein (LI)
Lithuania (LT)
Mauritius (MU)
Mexico (MX)
New Zealand (NZ)
Philippines (PH)
Qatar (QA)
Russian Federation (RU)
Tier 3 includes any country which is not listed in Tiers 1, 2 or 4.
Argentina (AR)
Austria (AT)
Belgium (BE)
Chile (CL)
Congo (CG)
Cyprus (CY)
Djibouti (DJ)
Ecuador (EC)
Ethiopia (ET)
Finland (FI)
France (FR)
Germany (DE)
Guinea (GN)
Indonesia (ID)
Ireland (IE)
Israel (IL)
Italy (IT)
Japan (JP)
Jordan (JO)
Kenya (KE)
Korea Republic (KR)
Kyrgyzstan (KG)
Latvia (LV)
Lesotho (LS)
Luxembourg (LU)
Malawi (MW)
Malta (MT)
Monaco (MC)
Morocco (MA)
Nepal (NP)
Netherlands (NL)
Paraguay (PY)
Poland (PL)
Portugal (PT)
Spain (ES)
Suriname (SR)
Swaziland (SZ)
Taiwan (TW)
Turkey (TR)
Uganda (UG)
Ukraine (UA)
Uruguay (UY)
Yemen (YE)
Zimbabwe (ZW)